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So far really enjoying the story and characters. I do have some questions? Or perhaps not questions but theories? I haven't played Day 10 yet so perhaps these get answered a bit? who knows. but they are spoilers so!

Spoiler warning!

They made a learning AI for the guardians to translate English into Coraynn in their heads, the AI is collecting the words and linking them through context WITH the addition of having the dictionary from MC's phone. SO surely they can use the same AI and its database and put it on a monitor to translate coraynn's written language into english for the MC to use. Right? So either they haven't thought of that or they really don't want MC to have access to anything even though i imagine they could restrict it heavily anyway.

Also the thing about the days being named the same, Marrow's theory would make sense however why would "marks" be used in place of hours if the MC's translating power was changing the day names to make the most sense, since "marks" didn't make sense at all to MC.

for some reason when i download it , my notice tell it have virus , can you explain ?

I'm getting the same error when downloading. First time this has happened.

I did a scan and found what its reading to be a virus on my windows computer, their is a file called Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml and this is what is making that warning, I do not know how to get around this sorry.

That's been happening with FVNs lately & it's seemingly always a false positive.

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CryptidDog can you explain that please ?

Will this game have NSFW content? I'm just curious. I really enjoy the story so far and am excited for what's to come


Eventually yep! I'll make a post about it when it is though

it kinda says in the description

(1 edit) (+5)

It was nice seeing more Rhoun content in this update, and getting new side characters added to that. Also, the soundtrack for this game fits very well with the Sci-fi aspect and space themes! I'm loving the new Music Hall feature so far. 


Could they just said to mc to repeat everything they say to understand the translation for ai? Seems logical to me

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You’ve got something really nice going on here! This VN has lots of great aspects – the art, the setting, the music, the characters – and they combine to produce something that’s really quite interesting. I look forward to seeing where you go with this!

I’ve already had a bit of fun thinking about what might have happened to the protagonist to shift him from A to B. I have a couple of different theories about that already, but of course it’s still early days. As things progress, I’ll be interested to see if I’m thinking along the right lines at all, or if I’m wildly off-base!

Anyway, while I could praise a bunch of specific aspects of this VN so far, I hope you don’t mind if I geek out on something really niche ...

I really like the carain written language! It looks really well-crafted. Maybe I’m overthinking this, but I get the impression some work’s gone into its construction.

You see, not only do the individual glyphs look convincing, but so do complete portions of text. I got to thinking about this during Marrowyn’s talks. To my eyes, it really does feel like there’s some sort of meaningful information in those slides of his, but that I just don’t know how to interpret it. In other words, exactly what would happen if it was an Earthly language I didn’t know! I don’t *think* you’re using a simple cypher from English, or from other obvious languages, although it’s possible I’ve missed something obvious. After all, there’s not massive amounts of text to look at so far! And separating out letter and number glyphs could be tricky (e.g. are the glyphs on doors numbers, or letters, or both?). Still, if these pieces of text have been crafted from scratch, then they’re super convincing. Good work! I hope we’ll get to see some more!

I do like the glyphs themselves, too. What I particularly appreciate is that there’s a set of ‘base’ glyphs, and then a few variations on some of these glyphs. The variations seem to be systematic, too. In other words, getting technical for a moment, the carain language appears to have diacritics! For example, some glyphs have modified versions with a little circle on them – I really want to call that a ‘blob’ for some reason. And, not only that, but the position of the blob is important. A couple of glyphs have a variant with a blob near the top of the glyph, and one with a blob near the bottom. I’d be tempted to interpret that as some sort of accent, say the difference between é and è. Or maybe it’s something completely different, like a Japanese handakuten. But it’s systematic, and it looks convincing. That’s some nice construction!


Anyway, since I’m writing, and as the other characters seem to have gotten some love in the comments recently, I just wanted to give a shout-out to Marrowyn. He’s such a nice guy! And yes, my opinion of him remains unchanged after what’s happened in chapter 2 so far! :)

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Of course! This might take a few words, but I’ll try to keep things as brief as I can. Beware of spoilers below!

Even though it’s early days, I think we can make a good guess what caused the player’s appearance on the station: Professor Senno’s experiment! We know very little about it, but a few small details have popped up in conversation so far. One really useful one comes from a small slip made by Marrowyn: we know the experiment has something to do with quantum physics!

I think this is important. Quantum physics is an area where all sorts of strange, magical-sounding things can happen. I’ve worked in the area, so you have it from the horse’s mouth! In quantum physics, it’s possible to do amazing things like teleportation, manipulating objects at a distance, and messing around with time (to some degree). Depending on your interpretation – we still don’t really understand the mechanics behind the quantum world – we may also be able to shunt objects around between different dimensions. Quantum effects may also be intricately linked to consciousness, and thought. Again, that depends on your interpretation. If all this sounds complicated, bear with me!

We know that Senno’s experiment didn’t work as planned. His data doesn’t make sense to him, and it sounds like his team is unsure what, if anything, happened while the experiment took place.

Here’s my thinking. Senno’s experiment either did something completely unexpected, or else worked far, *far* better than he had hoped. The quantum-mechanical forces unleashed reached out and grabbed hold of the player, dragging them back to the carain station. Remember how the first place we see in the station is a lab full of scientists? I’m guessing that lab is pretty close to the room housing the experiment! (Why wouldn’t the player materialise right inside the experiment? Well, with quantum mechanics, there tends to be a bit of fuzziness with things like position. You can never be completely sure where objects will end up, only roughly where they’ll be. Thanks, Dr. Heisenberg!)

So why was it the player that got transported, rather than anyone or anything else? It could be an accident, but the game’s already hinted at something more. Remember, at the beginning of the game, that the player was clutching the campus map, trying to find out where to go? That map features the college mascot, a humanoid bulldog. The mascot features again, in the little alcove the player was hiding in when the transportation happened. If you play the opening of the game again, you’ll see the mascot appears on a little poster on the wall, right in the player’s line of sight. I think it’s fair to say that the player could have been thinking about the mascot at the instant of transportation.

Here’s a suggestion. The energy of Senno’s experiment reached out a long, long way. It groped around to try and find the closest thing related to its origin point that it could: the mind of a carain. There are no carain on Earth, but the experiment found the image of the mascot in the player’s mind. The experiment grasped onto that, and dragged it back to the station, pulling the player along with it. This might sound weird but, if you buy the consciousness interpretations of quantum mechanics, it could just be possible! We’re going outside the realm of human physics here! The player-character might be coming to this theory on their own, too, at least subconsciously. Remember that dream about the mascot?

Anyway, that’s what I think happened: the player was dragged to the station by the energies of Senno's experiment. I could stop there, but I did mention *theories*, and I’ve only discussed one here. That’s because I’ve skipped over one little detail. Where actually *is* the player? Where is the Arias system?

I’ve already said a bunch of things, so I’ll just summarise this. Although if anyone really wants to hear more, let me know – I’ll whip up a Marrowyn lecture, haha. I have three ideas.

1. The Arias system is somewhere else in the Universe. This could work, but the problem here is with the carain themselves. They are incredibly close to earthly species of dog, and the chances of a species evolving independently like that is astronomical. In galactic terms, that means that you’d need to travel a long, *long* way before you’d expect to find a species like the carain. By long, I mean many, many times the size of the portion of the Universe we can currently see. Say something like a trillion light years. Physics gets pretty weird over long distances like that, and that might mess up Senno’s experiment. I’m not sure I buy this one.

2. The Arias system is in another dimension. This is neater, and solves a lot of problems. You don’t need to worry about probabilities, here, because pretty much *anything* can happen in another dimension, if you go looking for it. That being said, it’s still a little strange that the carain evolved independently, in a separate dimension. Humans bred dogs for very specific purposes, producing the different breeds. I don’t think those breeds would be produced by a self-aware species evolving naturally; the selection processes would be really different. So how did the breeds appear? Were there humans in this other dimension, that bred dogs and then died out, letting the dogs evolve dully into carain? This solution could work well, but it still has a lot of unanswered questions.

3. The Arias system *is* the Solar System, but far in the future. I don’t think this is the right answer, because I have to make a *lot* of concessions to make this work. It’s a cludge, and fails Occam’s Razor terribly! But it’s fun to think about. This also solves the problem of the origin of the carain. They *are* dogs, and evolved to become carain after the human race died out, or left for somewhere else, or transcended into beings of pure energy, etc.. There are a few interesting similarities between Arias and Sol, too. Comparing the systems is a bit messy, but I can make something work. Here’s a suggestion:

Arias = Sol: Humans mined the star for gas, which is why Arias is a little smaller than Sol (i.e. it’s an orange dwarf, rather than a yellow dwarf).

Tiruum = Mercury: This comparison is pretty much one-to-one.

Iyeo = Venus: Humans terraformed the planet, and shifted Luna there (check Marrowyn’s picture!). That might have been to help with colonisation.

Urium = Earth: It’s arid and inhospitable because of thousands of years of extreme climate-change and/or the aftermath of a global, catastrophic war.

Dyss = Mars: It’s arid, and also more inhospitable than the ruins of ‘Earth’, which makes sense.

Morrendi = Jupiter: Humans mined this completely of its gas, so all we’re seeing is the core. That would explain why it’s small and uninteresting, as Marrowyn describes it. The moon Ryke is actually Jupiter’s moon Europa, which is also covered with water-ice, and which would be a good candidate for somewhere to live.

Novail = Saturn: This was mined, but less extensively than Jupiter. It’s much smaller now.

Reklain = Neptune: This isn’t that well known, but Neptune *does* have rings! I’m saying Neptune rather than Uranus, because Marrowyn’s picture shows roughly the right number of moons.

What happened to Uranus? Either humans mined it so much that they depleted it completely, or else its core became another moon of Neptune. Uranus’s core is pretty tiny! (Bonus, bonkers theory: humans used it as an interstellar ship / mass for building a temporary wormhole!)

What about Pluto? It’s still there, but the carain don’t consider it to be a planet. And the asteroid belt? Either Marrowyn just skipped over it, since he was just talking about planets, or else humans mined it heavily, so it’s much less of a feature now.

As I say, this displacement-in-time theory is unlikely to be the right approach, but I had fun thinking about it! I suspect the alternate-dimension theory is the one that makes the most sense.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Sorry to be so wordy, but there are some tricky details in these theories! Uh, and if anyone hasn’t been put off by this little essay and wants more details, or would like to ask some questions, do say!


What a fun read

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These theories are so interesting. I just had to take a screenshot or two 

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I have a slightly different different hypothesis. Quantum mechanics does appear to (based on my limited reading of the VN) play a role. One of Prof Tyr's disciplines is stated to be in particle physics. Specifically, I speculate; condensed matter physics. 

The slight difference in interpretation of the story is that all matter in the universe at the subatomic level seem to adhere to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (which you correctly stated). Hence it is not unreasonable to speculate that Prof Tyr's experiment might have something to do with manipulating the wavefunction of universe. Specifically the part about the "phasing" effect the MC experienced right being pulled into the reality of the story. 

String and later M-theory propose a total of 11 dimensions (10 spatial, 1 temporal). It seems highly unlikely that the story takes place in any of those "spaces". Given that the laws of physics (at least as it is portrayed in the story thus far) largely resemble our own. Also, if the Airas system was originally the Sol system but in the far flung future. It still would not explain the lack of archaeological evidence that humans ever existed in our present morphology. 

P.S. Physicist Roger Penrose and Anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff jointly posited a quantum origin for human consciousness in their Orchestrated constructive reduction (Orch) Theory. However, other researchers do not believe the human brain conducive enough for quantum processes to take place let alone affect reality. 

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I just loved everything about this VN, English is not my native language but I still just loved reading it, I'll be waiting with my life for the end of it! I was so sad to receive a "To be continued", mainly because it was the part I would be with Rhoun.

The story is very good and captivating, the characters are excellent (a highlight for Rhoun) and the protagonist is so friendly and sensible, the lack of a villain (at least as far as I played) didn't bother me at all, the situation is already the great villain and that made the game so much fun to play, so many secrets I'll be dying to know.

The little thing that bothered me was that the characters' sprites are small and it's hard to see when a character is embarrassed.

Another thing I wanted to comment on is that in the part where the protagonist is kind of in void, a song plays and this song reminds me a lot of Clair De Lune - GodZilla King Of Monsters. That little song from the eyedrop meme, and I just burst out laughing for some lame reason.


Oh thank you for your nice comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yeah I've have to point out that the blushing is a bit small, something to fix later. And the song is Clair De Lune! Its one of my favorites and I got my musician to make that remix of it, I didn't know about the eyedrop meme so oops thats on me x.x


Just catching up with Marruk's route after i got a new phone and... Do most people not have sounds in their dreams??? That's so weird, like, does nobody in their dreams talk??? I truly can't fathom how a dream without sound would even work


You're lucky you have a phone compatible with Itch, lol. Also, I think most people have sound in their dreams. Unless the dream doesn't have any dialogue or actions that would cause noise. I've never retained enough of my dreams to know much about what they sounded like, however. If you saw CryptidDog's Twitter, the new update might be out by later this month or early March! I finished Marruk's route a few days after it was released in January. 


Spent like 5-6 hours reading this it is SO good and it is 3am. Curse this visual novel for being so interesting!

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm enjoying what I've been reading thus far, but Is Marrow missing some expressions? Whenever his face flushes or he looks away shyly, I just see the unwavering eyes staring into my soul. Maybe it's more of just a mouth changing thing. Example below:


No, that's his blush sprite. Its just a bit hidden under his glasses.

Ahhhhh, I gotcha, I thought I saw a bit of something, but I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. Thanks for the clarification- I'm looking forward to seeing the story unfurl further.  

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

I just finish the Rhoun route and I wonder choosing Rhoun seems have nothing to do with the story? Other than a small at the first(six) night...I think there will have a hang out or something smililar, but no...

As for the main story, it is attractive and seems just at the beginning, the pace is slow yet acceptable, so not much to comment, I will like to read more


Most likely things will change as more updates come out. 

So far there is very little between the routes. I have a feeling it will stay that way.

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Your so sadistic for writing the protag clueless about space in a sci-fi story it hurts to see him know jack shit about the solar system 😭😭😭 /joking btw


As someone who's obsessed with space (and even just cool science stuff in general) it kills me when i see my name pop up but seemingly know nothing about science😭🤣 Tho if i was actually in that position I'd definitely still be locked up with them thinking im a spy what with the amount of questions id have about even just the artificial gravity alone lol


I've got a question: is it just a coincidence that all characters in the game save for a protagonist just so happen to have an artificial body part?...

(2 edits) (+9)(-1)

My theory is that Rhoun and Marruk are either exes or got into some sort of accident, and Marruk blames Rhoun for having his artificial eye. Marrow just has his heart because of a birth defect, not any mysterious backstory (I think). They all need their neural devices to speak to the protagonist, though. It's probably not a coincidence due to that. There are so many ways Marruk and Rhoun's backstories could turn out, so I'm waiting for the next few updates to learn more about them as characters. 


Hold it!

Here's my theory: Based off of you saying them being exes, here's what I think. 

I think that they were together, but then over time, due to Marruk's constant mood swings, and Rhoun's, uh... Tendency to space out a whole lot, along with him being somewhat scatterbrained, those two just sorta fell apart. Marruk felt like he was to blame, and neither knowing what to say to him, nor what to do about it, he tends to lash out the most on Rhoun, because he's the one who seemingly "hurt Marruk".


You put it better than I did in my first reply! I was just trying to summarize my thinking on what might've happened. Based on what their personalities are so far, what you're saying does make sense. If Marruk and Rhoun had a relationship together, it would most likely have ended similarly to that. 

And even then, Rhoun, taking the brunt of the damage, barely lets it faze him, because Marruk's anger also comes from the fact that the captain barely acknowledges what he's saying, so he feels hurt then. Causing him to spaz out on the wrong people.

(2 edits)

Do you have a favorite character? In furry VNs, I always go for the one who seems abrasive and cold (Marruk here). Usually, the anger and tough persona came to be because of intensive stress or having had to put up with a lot in life. Eventually, they open up to the MC and become friends or even more. The romance aspect is nice to see because there isn't as much representation in mainstream media that resonates with me on the same level as these visual novels. I'm going with Marruk for my first play through; seeing as he's the type I usually pick, he's hot, and he seems to understand Tucker.


I love this VN so much, just wished there was more of the romance stuff and perhaps more choices but there's always future updates(I hope) and I cant wait for those, great job ❤️


So far vn gives me strong vibes of Far Beyond The World... which isn't exactly a flattering comparison. But I'll se where it goes.

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lmao as someone who also didnt liked FBTW i'm curious. Which parts reminded you of it ? Because, while playing that didn't strike me. Beside the whole isekai plot (which is fine dont get me wrong) I didn't felt like there was blatant copy of other VN

PS: All I can think of is how the language barrier is handled, and even here there's differences since here it's a one sided barrier even with the """""AI""""" for exemple

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

Character archetypes (Marrowyn = Ranok, Murdock = Vulgor), Language barries (FBTW = protagonist pretends he can't communnicate because plot, RYT = protagonist literally can't communicate), in both vns protag has psychological issues due to being transported in another world and in both VNs he spends first chapters literally sitting in one place (FBTW -- house, RYT -- a prison(?) cell). Idk maybe similarities are superficial but I'm yet get to chapters where things diverge. 

(2 edits) (+5)(-2)

for the characters achetype, it's the whole point of an archetype, it's a blueprint where you add your own spice, so yeah marrow is similar to ranok, just as much as amicus or any other furry VN with a very himbo-ish love interest. I feel like the comparition of murrdock and vulgor is far fetch but I haven't read enough of FBTW so I guess you're right is a way but you also can compare him to other's vn's "rude but nice when you get to know them".

now for the ''psychological issues due to being transported'' in FBTW, The MC has no memories while tucker doesn't have any problem I think ? Unless I miss something ? But if you were talking about the whole big sad and anxiety attack. It's just natural reactions to such drastic situation. It's actually a sign of effort from the autor to give their characters some personnality.

And for the whole prison thing, it's a furry isekai, it's part of the theme you can't just pop in a new world full of new species and walk around like nothing happend this is a necessary step for the reader to gather information of this new place while giving any kind of purpose to the story or a goal for the MC or just simply a realistic integration of the brand new human in this beast man world.

So yeah the game is an isekai and it's following the rules so far which is ok i guess ? I would've personnaly said that there was hint of inspiration from adatra (a tiny bit) more than FBTW but at the same time it's also an isekai so you can probably note the same similarities to other vn.

PS: I also have to add that it's weird to compare it to FBTW specifically since the first few hours of reading is just adatra in a different universe imo. ( Not to spit on FBTW I didn't liked it but it's a great game for a specific public )


Actually the comparison with Maruuk and Vulgor was pretty spot on, I noticed that pretty quickly. Gruff, somewhat rude, outright suspicious while also secretly caring (to an extent). I wouldn't call either of them "nice" either. 

There are a few similarities with FBTW, with the main one being the MC ending up in a different world with no clue how or why, but to be fair that's a pretty common trope.

That said, I prefer this VN. The MC doesn't quickly decide to become a doting housewife for a closet case wolf, and you aren't forced into one romance route either (it seems).


yeah I just didn't read enough (and paid enought attention) to vulgor so I can only agree ahah. 

And MC also has a personnality, isn't annoyingly naive, doesn't go AWOOGA over a whole new type of living entity in a split second, doesn't have the mental maturity and communication skills of a 5yo child. Tbh RYT is REALLY refreshing I haven't enjoyed a VN that much in a long time  :)


You mean Marruk? 🤣

Yeah sorry

Lol, it's fine


i love Far Beyond the World, yet it given me not any vibes of it lol, it's just annoying peoples comparing a vn to another for a small similarities, every VNs are good on their own and depending on the taste of peoples of course

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

> every VNs are good on their own

I’m sorry but this is complete bullshit. I’ve read a lot of vns who are levels of Harry Potter’s first fanfiction levels bad and those vns are definitely not good (fbtw is one of those by the way) and I would be glad of you would stop giving a pass to bad vns for whatever reason, it’s not healthy and it’s not helpful. 

(5 edits) (+1)

OMG you're right ! i forgot that Amorous existed thanks for clearing my mind, yep indeed not all vn are that good, the ones that are like amorous.

more serously, fbtw isn't a complet masterpiece i admit but not the worst written either (especially when some are only about sex)  it's one of my fav vn but i understand peoples don't like it, but what i don't like is peoples thinking because they don't like it everyone should think the same because this or that lol so it's you that are saying bullshit by the way we don't have to agree with your way of thinking, it's useless and not good for u, thanks.

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I was hooked after the very 1irst build, so having the chance, or lack there of, to hang out with Marrow was really great! :D RYT is quickly becoming 1ne of my favourite VNs~ ^^_

From a writer's standpoint, I can tell that the transition from the 1irst build to this 1ne was pretty tricky to get right, so I want to applaud xou on a job well done. Xou definately got all the emotions across UwU (so much so that even I started feeling irritated o.o)

Might I make a small suggestion? I think that naming the days of the week the same as Earth 1nes is a bit jarring (unless of course there is a deeper explanation behind it). I understand that it would be a lot of work, and might yet confuse readers, but I believe that this should be changed. I mean, xou have more than enough planet names to intergrate into day names :3

Great work either way. The amount of writing xou do for a single build is astounding! I'm fully invested and can't wait to spend time with all the boys~ n__n/

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Hello, messaged you on Twitter about this as well, but is there a good place to report typos (e.g. Discord/Twitter)?


Wow. I wasn't expecting that much effort. This VN is stunning. Like, this is so perfect ! You manage to describe perfectly how a "normal" person would feel in this situation, you also manage to create endearing characters, and i spent a really good time getting to know them. The atmosphere is amazingly well done, the tensions, the loneliness, the worrys of the guardians, everything is perfect. Thank you for creating such a masterpiece, i really enjoyed reading all those lines, while wondering what would I do in this situation, and the protagonist does the job surprisingly well. 

Well, sorry for repeating myself, i'm not good at describing things, but i'm sure of one thing : I've fallen in love with the project, and I'll look forward to the updates. 

Thanks for this amazing work. Keep it up and please, don't leave the project behind. 


Very intriguing story so far; I'm really enjoying it! The way you've characterized the 3 "guardians" is very well done, especially with Marrow and his very subtle hints of a deeper... something going on with him.

I do hope that we get to meet some more side characters though, to flesh out the environment, but after we get to spend more social time with the guardians ;)

My only criticism is I don't like the way the dialogue pauses (I think at commas and periods?). I read pretty quickly, so I hate rolling text, and tend to click 2 times to force the entire scene dialogue to show at once. So It's kind of annoying to have to click 2 or 3 times, or more, to get through all the pauses of each dialogue scene.

Also, while I for sure know that life happens, pleeeeease don't let this become an abandoned or "twice a year update" VN, it is exceptional compared to a lot of the gay/furry VNs out there. I can tell because I actually am more excited for the story continuation than the inclusion of the NSFW CGs (though I am looking forward to "getting to know" Rhoune a little more physically haha).


Go to preferences and turn the text speed slider as far up as you can. Then there is no more rolling text. I read every VN at that speed as well so I understand. But I love awkward pauses so sorry those arent going anywhere hah


Oh thanks, I'll try that setting :D Awkward pauses are totally fine since it seems to fit the MC's personality. It was just the text speed :P

And again, great work. I'm really looking forward to getting romantic with the cute, shy, Rhoune.


I'm really sad we didn't get to spend much time with rhoune :(


Just imagine. . . . next update


Leggit can't wait ahah I need to chit chat with the goodest boy


I finished the content available right now. I must say, this game is so good that every other game I've played looks like shit in comparison. I can't wait to see what comes in the next update! Keep up the good work! :D


Marruk's my favorite character right now. I have a feeling there's more to his personality and backstory than his outwardly rude and closed-off disposition. After all, he's just trying to do what was instructed of him. He also shows hints of genuine kindness towards the MC, as well as being a fairly blunt Carain compared to Marrow. Rhoun is certainly more friendly and understanding than Marruk, thus I understand why people veer towards him. Even so, I'm less curious about his development in the story. I'll be doing both of their routes, though! 


I really like Marruk as well, hopefully we get more interaction with him.


Same here, Marruk feels more interesting, but all 3 are great

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I've got a question; Why is Marruk such a jerk and so umpleasant? I LOVE Doberman's and I'm having such a hard time liking him... 


character development incoming


How do you know?


there already are many "hints" pointing towards him actually being kind, and his rough exterior being a product of his environment/circumstances more than his own personality, so he'll most likely start acting nicer towards others after spending enough time with MC and achieving some stability in his job, among other things. at least that's how stories tend to work.


The same is true for several other visual novels. I've always been into his type of character, as they're usually the most complex and really add to the storyline/plot. Let's hope that Marruk's arc isn't so different.

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Darius (from Extracurricular Activities) comes to mind; best route

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Latest Android version will not update the previous android release, fail error on attempt to update.


I changed renpy versions so I am unsure if you can just update it. Then again Im not great at the technical stuff so I'm not sure

(1 edit) (-1)

Thanks for getting back to me. I tried a few things including a fresh install and than coping over my saves, but with no luck. :-( 

So, I've done a fresh install and will start over, (was going to try the "skip" function, but it's greyed out and does not respond) Just a suggestion/thought, something I've noticed other authors will offer is a Chapter or Day selection option in the main menu, to save the users from having to start over or go through the skip process should update or other problems occur that would require starting from the beginning.

PS. Great story and man that Doberman is an awesome character. Reminds me of a roommate (with benefits) I once had. :-)


the saves are broken
The fix is in the devlog. Go to preferences and select "skip unseen text." That will allow you to skip everything.


Hello, you didnt put the OS corresponding to each build, so ppl using the itch app can't download the game


Ddint know that was a thing. Fixed


thank you :D

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Heeeey, any idea of how many words are there in the story right now? Just curious




Love the story!

Cant wait for more!


Hi CryptidDog,

 I'm 泡澡的inko,a chinese fan of Roads Yet Traveled. Thank you for creating such an amazing game.

I want to translate it into Chinese edition to make more Chinese pups play and know about this fantastic game. (The version is 1.0 which is published in itch)

I have translated more than 40 games

Like this:↓

Please let me know If I can get your permission of translating it. (Fan made version)


Rhoun is the good boy but he keep zooning out kinda cute~ keep going Its going to be a good story^^



(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

That was awesome!

It was surprise to me how MASSIVE in word count the story feels, i really was looking for another less then an hour (mark) story, buuut nope. I just cannot finish it in one go, so much to think about and theorize in here. Basicly - WOW!

I really hope to see the rest of this promising project, good work.


Да, нечасто в последнее время ВНки с таким объемом текста появляются... Отличная работа, согласен.


I know right?? For a first build, this is massive!

And I loved the surprise!


I’m love with this visual novel ahhh😍💕💕

I really enjoyed reading this 

Soo excited about the upcoming updates and thank you❤️❤️


A pretty interesting start, although there is still work to be done. While the whole story in itself didn't feel dragged out to me, the beginning was definitely less interesting than the rest. You should also proofread what you have already since a lot of the grammar, punctuation and co. is pretty bad. One thing that did annoyed me is how you have to click after almost every comma and such, especially in the beginning. I believe this could be replaced with just something like a 2s pause before the text continues but that may just be me. Other than this I don't really have anything negative to say; I'm assuming all the other questions I have will be answered in later builds. Can't wait to see where this goes!


Yes another VN with a human MC and i already love the story <3


Had an interesting theory come to mind about "The Eye" and the system that is apparently within the emptiness of stars. After going through the VN twice and watching 1 person play through the whole way, I had a big feeling that whatever this system is, have the Carain's ever taken a proper look at this system, and if they haven't, what are the odds that "The Eye" that they're referring to is somehow our Solar System within the R.Y.T. universe? Could the dream the MC has at the end of Day 2 to this mysterious out of body experience somehow be connected to this? There's a lot to theorize that we aren't taking into consideration, especially since the Chief's "big show" is, more than likely, what ultimately led us to be taken from our campus, at the beginning of the game, and into what is, effectively, a space station that we're unfamiliar with as our new home with an entirely different species that mirrors many MANY similarities, there's a lot to think about here.


also i love how its about a " god " that believes all carain are good. as in they are all good boys. its the most adorable thing ever. worship the god who calls us good boys 


So, I have to say that my favourite character is Maruk. What I like the most about this kind of character is that you can be sure that you won't have any bad surprises with them. If they have something bad to tell us, they will tell us straight away, unlike some characters who might lie or hide the truth. That's the advantage of being straight forward and direct I guess. I kind of relate to the fact that he's paranoid about security. I mean, the MC is an alien who literally comes out of nowhere. I can totally understand him being on guard. He probably lacked empathy but I don't think that's his intention. Moreover, he's not helped by the conditions (Seriously, having to stay in the same room all the time even to sleep is not very nice of the team when he's the one who retrieved the MC while not making a scratch on his memory. He did his job well and he's being punished. Poor Guy.

As a previous comment said, I think the doctor will become an antagonist. He made a good first impression on me but the longer the game went on the less confidence I had in him. The fact that he always keeps a blank stare is also quite creepy. He looks like the kind of person who will do anything to sacrifice lives for science with an "end justifies the means" logic. I wonder what role the captain will play. Is she his accomplice, his boss or does she have nothing to do with him? I'm very curious to see her and to make my opinion on her.

As for the pace, I personally don't mind it. I played the game a couple of weeks ago so my memories aren't very fresh but I don't think I remember being bored at any point.


I think it would be an interesting twist if Maruk was hiding stuff from the MC. I feel like since he is very blunt and straight forward about his concern we could assume that what he says is what he sees, but I think he would be just as ready to lie for the sake of security at the expense of the MC.


Your idea is interesting but I hope it won't happen because my poor heart wouldn't support it haha.


This was such a good read I loved every second


Good start! Interesting plot, great art, backgrounds and several varied characters.

Now, I want to make it clear that I DID enjoy this first release, but I did find a few issues with it as well. Thankfully, there are two comments below that highlight exactly what I wanted to say; Kallier's comment regarding the grammar, punctuation and syntax, although harsh, is probably about as accurate as I could write myself. I noticed it was often inconsistent and at times would flow awkwardly. I also noticed quite a few times that the wrong name popped up in reference to the dialogue too. You might want to consider proof-readers to remedy this? The second comment is Kentaro Manedwuff's criticism of the length; I won't say it's too long myself, but there were times when a particular scene would begin to feel very drawn out or I would start to get very bored of the MC's thoughts/rambles. I would consider condensing it a little - at least trim down the repetitive interactions perhaps (MC's complaints about the food, Marruk being a prick, etc)

Other criticisms I haven't seen mentioned include how fast we progressed from simple, single words and phrases for the "A.I's benefit" to immediately holding and understanding casual conversations within a few days. I'm also not sure if Rhoun is just constantly nervous or has a stutter.

Again, I do like what you've got there, but these issues do tend to ruin the immersion and there were times where I was just clicking through the dialogue waiting for something interesting to pop-up because I'd lost interest in a drawn out scene. If you can manage to fix these issues - which I think you can, clearly - you'll have a great VN here. 


(Copied from my review of the VN. Apologies if you've already read this)

My impression of the first build is that it is long. It is very long. My friend calculated the word count as almost 100,000 words, which is already the length of a full novel. In and of itself, that's not a bad thing, but to set the majority of that time in exactly one room makes the VN unbearably slow-paced, especially when most of that time is spent in almost interminably long monologues of the main char continually asking, "Where am I? What's going to happen to me?" and repetitive character interactions (seriously, how many times must we read about Marruk being an asshole to the main char until the reader says, "Okay, Marruk is an asshole! We get it!"?). And after all of that, we still have no idea of what the main conflict of the story will be, so it feels as if nothing significant has happened yet.

If I had a suggestion, it's this: the length needs to be cut down drastically. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the VN would be twice as effective at only half the length. So what would I recommend cutting? Well, the monologues don't need to be as long and there don't need to be so many extraneous interactions with the other chars (did we, for example, need two different scenes where the main char describes his love of curry?). More specifically, cut anything out that isn't immediately relevant to the current situation. Information can always be revealed to the reader at a later point in the story. But it's not all bad though. All of the main chars have distinct personalities and clearly indicate that they have more depth to them than they are currently letting on, and that's intriguing. But without any sense of what the main conflict of the story will be, I'm not getting a sense of how each character will be uniquely suited to solving the problems that the main char may have. Still, after finally getting through the intro, I am interested in seeing how the main char's relationship with the char on the chosen path will develop. But if I have to tell people that they have to wade through an almost insufferably long, slow-paced intro before they get to the interesting parts, they're most likely going to conclude that it's not worth their time.

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