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I hope Doc treats the Main Character as a pet someday :3

Not sexually like, like a normal pet, since that's how he seems to see MC, tho probably unconsciously.

I mean if you see a sentient fennec fox that walks on two legs, would you hold yourself to not treat it as an adorbs pet?

Like with MC starting to ponder "Man, Doc is so nice to me. He gave me clothes, a warm bath and bed, minding what kind of food I can eat, thinking about me and my well-being, pampering me with pats... Wait a sec. Why does this feels I'm a pet?"

Deleted post

I love the story so far that I clean most of my schedule to read this VN X3


What a brilliant story xou've written so far! n_n Not only is the plot alluring, but the pace is done perfectly~ UwU Xou've contrived a unique list of characters, done a great job with the world building, drawn some lovely art, and kudos for straying from the gullible type of MC that accepts everything at face value! :P I really like how relatable he is :)

And making this VN even better is how freaking big xour 1irst update is! xD I was so sad when it ended "^__^ Can't wait for more~ keep up all the great work~! >_</


Ah thanks! Already writing but it'll take a bit!


Wow. That was pretty amazing. I just finished the first build of the game, and the world-building, intrigue, characters, writing, music, art, it was top notch.

It is a testament to your writing ability that the majority of the game so far is spent in one room, yet it didn't feel boring at all. I love how we learn about the characters, the inner-monologue of the main character, and the mystery surrounding the station and how we got there.

The first few scenes were missing some punctuation marks, some mistyped words throughout, incorrect capitalization, etc. It didn't detract from the rest of the story though, it was only minor things. It's pretty crazy for a first build how much content there is though, so I definitely understand that the story is much more important than these minor issues at this point.

Thank you so much for such an amazing experience, I'm so inspired by your talent and the work that has gone into this. :D


Ah thank you! There -were- more spelling errors but yeah I did my best to find a lot of them hah. If you see any spelling errors/punctuation feel free to reach out so I can fix them for a future update.


Keep up the amaaazing work, I’ll reach out with anything I find on another playthrough 😁


great job making this Vn it's awesome to read and the art is soo cool 


It took me an entire day (4am - 5pm) to read though this 1st build, yes with breaks in between. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Even though those blank screens terrified me for those dreaded works "to be continued".   

In your trailer video if you're willing to answer @CryptidDog what was that I saw in the static? A star?

Also, I have no idea how your gonna explain how Tucker reached another (for lack of the accurate term) solar system. 

Can't wait for your next build.


There are some things in the static, not easily seen. Its the characters eyes from the animation.


Oh, I really didn't notice there were eyes in the static, I watched it over and saw them.  Can I ask what is the timeline you estimate for build releases? 1, 2, 3 months?


Yeah its definitely a bit hard to say. This took me forever but I also started from scratch. Ill probably need some new backgrounds and some new sprites but im hoping for not too long. This took like 4-5~ months hah


this is so good and there were a few bugs in there I would like to say one of them is where I chose marowhen and nearing the end of the update marowhen name popped up twice when the mc name was supposed to

(1 edit) (-1)

Incredible First build, i cannot wait to see how It continues !

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Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

This VN absolutely BLEW my mind!

I usually head into new VNs not expecting much, but this... i was not prepared for something THIS good. I felt like I was constantly intrigued, especially for how much content there was for a first release? Like, wow haha, it was just so much fun to read overall! Not to mention the amount of time I'm sure that went into all the backgrounds, sprites, and CGs with all of those subtle variations; just amazing work. 

I'm super excited to see where this goes!


;W; Oh my gosh thank you! I'm just tryin to make something other people can enjoy and that I can be proud of! Glad you like it!


I still playing on about 4 hours sleep in the span of 37 hours roughly. Suffice to say I am enjoying it.

However, as an anthropology student, I am shocked that there isn't a furry vn called 'Anthro-pology' at this point because games with this trope of finding oneself in a new world (which i love) is immensly anthropological XD. Stop making me think pls T_T

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I split my reading sessions into 3 days and i still was kept till 2 am twice


Such a stellar first build honestly, that animation and complete shift at the start got me SO hyped. I also really like the 'first contact' approach to that kind of plot device because it's a very different take on it imo. Aside from a few things incorrect with dialogue/ui here and there (hardly surprising with how much there was), I really appreciate the level of polish too. Very excited for more


Ah thank you! And oh if you see any errors feel free to reach out to me so I can fix them in upcoming updates!


what a fantastic read. I could spend way more hours just reading about how they learn each others' languages, mannerisms and cultures. Not to mention the crisp art, or the skillful writing abilities to evoke specific emotions.


Oh geez thanks! That's too kind but thank you! I'm excited to work on it more!


I was so shocked this is only the first update of the game, the illustration and animation are literally amazing, the story is fun and the length of the game is really impressive for the first build and I really can't wait to see how the story and the VN pans out!


Ah thanks! I just kept writing and writing and then it was so long but I'm glad I did! I think I got to a good stopping point for now!.


What an amazing first build! I was not expecting it to be around 4-5 hours long which was a pleasant surprise and I have to say that I really enjoyed the VN. The artwork is amazing and the story is also written really well. Each of the characters have their own personalities and I really enjoyed seeing the relationships between Tucker and the three potential love interests blossom. I can't wait to read more! Keep up the amazing work!


Ah thank you! I can't wait to develop on them more!


Hey, there aren’t any megabytes in the Linux download from the looks of it.


Okay I can try to fix that. I don't use Linux so let me figure that out! Thanks for the heads up


The Linux download worked perfectly fine for me, is it possible you had a download error? I doubt it matters, but just in case I used Ark to extract the files.


This is such a promising start, I can't wait to see where it goes! As a side note, I really liked the little changes between each character's room, really adds to the characterization in a subtle way. Literally even the way they stored their toothbrushes differed!


Ah thank you! It was such a little thing I'm so glad you noticed!

Deleted 1 year ago

Working on it!

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